Monday, July 2, 2012

New Online Resources

With the new fiscal year, we have implemented several changes to library online resources. We have added more users to our license for Netter Reference and have added Naxos Music Library.

Netter Reference:  The student tech fee now pays for a 500 user license for this Netter Anatomy resource.  This should allow all our students in Rad Tech, EMS, Nursing, Dental, Biology, O&P, and any other interested department to have access.  Access it through the Articles, Databases and More tab on the library home page.  Just click on the Databases A-Z list.

Naxos Music Library: To supplement our Music Online streaming, we have added Naxos, the world´s largest online classical music library which offers multiple streamed versions of most works. We have only a 5 user license, so please urge your students to logout when finished. Access it through the Articles, Databases and More tab on the library home page. Just click on the Databases A-Z list.

Due to low usage, we have discontinued our access to Art Index Retrospective, which indexed articles on the arts from 1929-1984 without full text. However, we still have Art Full Text, with full text from 1997 to present and indexing from 1984 to 1996 of an international array of peer-selected publications on all aspects of the arts, including advertising, archaeology, architecture, art history, computers in art, decorative arts, fashion design, graphic arts, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture, motion pictures, museology, non-western art, painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, television, textiles, and video.

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